As you may or may not be aware, last Friday was Veteran's Day in the United States. I had always thought it was supposed to be a day about reverent introspection upon those who defend our way of life. Apparently I've been doing it wrong. In America, as I've gradually discovered, Veteran's Day is the day where everybody, young and old alike, make an ambiguous and empty sentiment about anything patriotic on their Facebook status, and wait for the attention to wash over them like a wave of sweet tiger's milk.
This irks me.
But there is one thing that is far, far worse. This is the surest sign of the death of a holiday's meaning; and is the largest reason any given day of rememberance is destined for frivolity.
The worst thing you could ever do on a day like Veteran's Day is have a sale.
Suddenly the only thing veterans and active service members are good for is peddling mismatched box springs and transmission flushes. I honestly had no idea that this was going on until I flipped across page after page of Veteran's Day sales ads in the paper (I might add that this is one more reason why I feel that illiteracy is AWSUM!!!) This is a frustrating development that I've stumbled upon. In this post I was planning on giving you some fun and funky ways to decorate for VDay; or talk about how 11/11/11 will never happen again in our lifetimes (this is kind of cool, and technically true; but I'd be more impressed if it was actually the year 11.) Instead, I'll leave you my most poignant and haunting owl related greeting card yet; just in time for the Monday after Veteran's Day.
THIS DAY IN HISTORY (LITERALLY) NOV 14 2011: Scott tries to eat bowl of Frankenberry cereal, begins gagging after a few spoonfuls, questions what he will do with rest of box.
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