Monday, October 31, 2011


Hey, in case you haven't been watching the news, I have spent the last week embroiled in a monumental battle with the murderous murder of telepathic crows that had been holding my blog hostage for the past month. It's pretty violent and visually stunning. I haven't taken any pictures, but here's some recollections of the ongoing showdown.

1. Crows blotting out moonlight
2. Scott knocking crows out of sky with baseball bat
3. "Sabotage" blaring from the smashed window of a flaming Impala
4. Crows lighting upon peace-keeping zookeepers; skeletons in khaki shorts
5. Scott blasting flamethrower wildly into thick cloud of grackles

I clearly have been busy, and still am. As I write this I am entrenched in a foxhole I dug out on the roof of a Ben and Jerry's (it's pretty shallow and full of shingles.) So instead of a card, please enjoy this The Gruff Zunko Show simulcast from September 19th.

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