Hello dear readers (read: nobody.) This holiday season has been stressful for all of us. I happen to feel I've had a unique set of challenges in that I've made a conscious decision to embark on a Yuletide bender about a week ago. I am still going strong. As such, here is this week's owl related greeting card (a Christmas one, no less!)
His name was Jesus. If you don't remember him, it's probably because this is the 21st century. (I will not go into detail regarding mine own personal religious opinions. For other people's personal religious opinions, may I recommend the rest of the Internet?) I celebrated my Christmas in the way of our founding fathers. I forgot about it until it came, at which point I celebrated with modesty and alcohol. The only difference was that I got the 25th off from work. I hope you had a merry Christmas. If you had a happy Hanukkah, then your beliefs are wrong.
This blog began as a challenge to do nothing but make owl related greeting cards for twelve hours straight. It has since become the online authority in owl related greeting cards.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Ding, Dong; Ding, Dong
Christmas is on Sunday, folks. I haven't bought any presents yet. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I've been spending this time stealing things from my loved ones. This is a cherished tradition for me (and me alone,) but once I stole that Matisse from my buddy Rod three years ago, I've found that I don't know anyone that owns anything heist-worthy. As one could imagine, this fills me with an inescapable ennui every Christmas; an emptiness that can only be filled with exotic flavors of Mountain Dew. As such, I'll mince no further words, and introduce this week's owl related greeting card.
Monday, December 12, 2011
A Christmas Reminder
The days until CHRISTmas are winding down faster than a Jesus on his way to Armageddon (the biblical end of the world, not the movie. It should be noted, however, that everybody loves Armageddon. Technically, this includes Jesus.) This is a very important time for you to have this card in your OWLrsenal.
Guilt trips are what this season was made for. Just make sure that you present this to someone who you actually know is an alcoholic. Plenty of people appear to be alcoholics this time of year, but they are simply the type of person who maintains an inebriated numbness from Thanksgiving to New Years because they work retail. (Also, regardless as to what the card literally implies, do not present this card to an OWLcoholic. These are lost souls who are chemically tolerant to the point that the only thing that gives them a buzz anymore is an elixir of macerated and fermented owl chunks. These people are beyond help, and you need to mind your own business.)
Guilt trips are what this season was made for. Just make sure that you present this to someone who you actually know is an alcoholic. Plenty of people appear to be alcoholics this time of year, but they are simply the type of person who maintains an inebriated numbness from Thanksgiving to New Years because they work retail. (Also, regardless as to what the card literally implies, do not present this card to an OWLcoholic. These are lost souls who are chemically tolerant to the point that the only thing that gives them a buzz anymore is an elixir of macerated and fermented owl chunks. These people are beyond help, and you need to mind your own business.)
Monday, December 5, 2011
Here comes the Jew-Jew Train
I'm pretty sure Cchanukkkahh (or Haanuckah as some call it) is either going on right now or is coming some time soon. Either way, I feel I should do my duty as a greeting cardier and present to you the official MOAB Chhhanankaha card.

Chronica is immensely sacred to people, such as myself, who are of the Judaic faith (not to say that I'm Jewish; it's simply that I have a great amount of faith in Jews.) As a person who is not, and has never, been affiliated with the Hebraic, my knowledge of Jewunankahhh is limited to that one special episode of Rugrats where they were looking for the "Meanie of Channnuahaca."
Every year, for no more than 12 and no less than 5 days (and nights) Jews gather together to put on big baby costumes and wander around recreation centers looking to pick a fight with any elderly person who bears a grudge against their collective "Grampa Pickles."
Along the way, they stop occasionally to make potato pancakes. (This is just dumb. The best case scenario is that they are making pancakes intended for potatoes. Why do they do this? Potatoes don't eat pancakes. The worst case scenario is that they are making pancakes out of DIRT VEGETABLES. Yes, potatoes are dirt vegetables. There are holier vegetables to be reaped; one must simply go to Walmart and search for anything that doesn't look like prehistoric scat.)
They drink Manischewitz (pronounced Man-uh-shwumble-dumble) Wine. Manischewitz Wine is the best wine ever. It is the Juicy Juice of wines. If you don't believe me, drink an entire bottle by yourself, disregarding any bodily (or legal) impulse to stop.
The Menorah is a candleabra that is designed to resemble the mythical claws of the ancient monster the Jews called "God."
Children are given dreidels to spin. The outcome of the spin is gambled upon by participants. Children are also given tiny roulette wheels and little transparent green visors. The occasional family has been known to give their children dice, and, on nice evenings, send them and their dice out to the alleyway to use their dice to play the ancient dice game called "Dice." Children are also given baby-sized switchblades to keep each other honest.
On the last night of Chaunkaka, after the festivities are closed and the presents are open, every Jew goes to bed nice and early so that they can wake up the next day and finish up their Christmas shopping.
So that's everything I know about the holiday. Fortunately you don't need to know a lot about Chanukkah to make a greeting card about it.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Tonight is a very special day here at MOAB. This post, according to my calculations, is the 52nd post of this blog. Since I update weekly, that means that this is my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!
Can you really believe that, one year ago today, on that frosty May morning, I began the 12 hour owl related greeting card challenge?
So much has changed since then. The biggest, of course, being the fact that when I started this blog, readers were scarce. Now that the blog (and myself, frankly) have had a chance to mature, there are no readers.
Here's a great anniversary card. It reaffirms your love for whomever it is handed to, and, in the purposes of this blog, reaffirms the fact that I would never change what happened a year ago; and would do it all over again in a heart-beat because I have a mental sickness.
And now, in honor of it being the 52nd post, I have an EXTRA SPECIAL OWL RELATED TREAT FOR ALL THE PEOPLE THAT ACTUALLY READ WORDS AND DON'T JUST LOOK AT PICTURES! I recently came across a recording from a lost episode of the monstrously unpopular UPN sitcom "Owl City." Since a lot of you are probably unfamiliar with "Owl City," I'll fill you in on a few fun facts.
1. The premise is that an owl is living in an apartment. (It sounds dull, but it's zany when you think about it. Who would rent an apartment to an owl?)
2. Many episodes were made, but few of them lasted longer than four minutes, even with commercials.
3. People often wonder why a multi-camera sitcom like this would not feature a laugh track. The simple answer is that it was actually filmed in front of a live studio audience, but they never actually laughed.
Well, that's it. Happy anniversary, dear reader. May we continue to consummate each other, over and over again, long after the guard has told us to stop four times and no longer cares.
Can you really believe that, one year ago today, on that frosty May morning, I began the 12 hour owl related greeting card challenge?
So much has changed since then. The biggest, of course, being the fact that when I started this blog, readers were scarce. Now that the blog (and myself, frankly) have had a chance to mature, there are no readers.
Here's a great anniversary card. It reaffirms your love for whomever it is handed to, and, in the purposes of this blog, reaffirms the fact that I would never change what happened a year ago; and would do it all over again in a heart-beat because I have a mental sickness.
And now, in honor of it being the 52nd post, I have an EXTRA SPECIAL OWL RELATED TREAT FOR ALL THE PEOPLE THAT ACTUALLY READ WORDS AND DON'T JUST LOOK AT PICTURES! I recently came across a recording from a lost episode of the monstrously unpopular UPN sitcom "Owl City." Since a lot of you are probably unfamiliar with "Owl City," I'll fill you in on a few fun facts.
1. The premise is that an owl is living in an apartment. (It sounds dull, but it's zany when you think about it. Who would rent an apartment to an owl?)
2. Many episodes were made, but few of them lasted longer than four minutes, even with commercials.
3. People often wonder why a multi-camera sitcom like this would not feature a laugh track. The simple answer is that it was actually filmed in front of a live studio audience, but they never actually laughed.
Well, that's it. Happy anniversary, dear reader. May we continue to consummate each other, over and over again, long after the guard has told us to stop four times and no longer cares.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Holiday Season
I feel that, at this point, I can call myself a seasoned greeting card creator. I've been doing this for far longer than twelve hours now, and I plan to keep going for at least twelve more hours. As a greeting card veteran, I am excited by the bounty that the calendar has been heaping upon me lately. All within a few mere weeks of each other lie the Big Six Holidays of America, or, as I call them, "The Big Six." These are Hallowe'en, Thanks Giving, Chanukkkahhjewh, CHRISTmas, Kwanzar, and New Years Rockin' Eve. Although the weather outside is slowly building into the force that, simply by being so frightful, makes you question the value of life every year, there are still six (BIG) reasons why you should be happy, thankful, or Jewish.
And so, this being Thanks Giving Week, I'd like to take this moment to remind everyone about divorce.
Divorce isn't just a Spring Fling, folks.
On a lighter note, I hope you all have Thanks Giving Days that are happy, but not as nice as mine, as that would make me feel bad about myself. I plan on preparing the traditional Thanks Giving meal that our American ancestors enjoyed during their third year in the New World. What follows is the menu, exactly as it appeared for the third Thanks Giving.
Aperitif: Pig Schnapps
Entree: Nothing
Second Course: A Gigantic, Pre-Historic Lobster Stuffed Inside An Eel That Is Slightly Larger Than The Lobster
Main Course: Human Chops
Salad Course: Milk-Weed Drizzled In A Water Vinaigrette
Dessert Course: Nothing
It is after this that the revelers will retreat to the Sitting Area (if you were a colonist and couldn't remember where the Sitting Area in your house was, it was probably the corner where there weren't any corpses.) Laughter and mirth unfold as the guests recline in their burning-ember-filled ditches, sipping warm glasses of tobacco leaves. They retell their fondest memories of life in the Old World, where comfort, though not abundant, seemed nonetheless closer. They recall the days of summer, when the sun shone and that one guy had not yet been eaten by them. They sing of the possibilities that await them in this great frontier and expound their thanks to their Creator, who, through providence and generosity unending, allowed each and every one of the hopeful and grateful pilgrims gathered together to not be the one that dies of consumption and is either fed to the hogs or used as building material.
I try to recreate this every year (except for the cannibalism ((as far as you know.))) It doesn't work too well because I have no friends, and Pig Schnapps is hard to render without a really, really big hammer.
Happy Thanks Giving! I'll leave you with a few words from the late Andy Rooney, which, in this season of thanks and rememberance, tug at a certain part of the collective heart-strings of all of us.
"Why do fruit need stickers? Who's putting stickers on the fruit? Sometimes I eat the stickers on accident."
-Andy Rooney
And so, this being Thanks Giving Week, I'd like to take this moment to remind everyone about divorce.
Divorce isn't just a Spring Fling, folks.
On a lighter note, I hope you all have Thanks Giving Days that are happy, but not as nice as mine, as that would make me feel bad about myself. I plan on preparing the traditional Thanks Giving meal that our American ancestors enjoyed during their third year in the New World. What follows is the menu, exactly as it appeared for the third Thanks Giving.
Aperitif: Pig Schnapps
Entree: Nothing
Second Course: A Gigantic, Pre-Historic Lobster Stuffed Inside An Eel That Is Slightly Larger Than The Lobster
Main Course: Human Chops
Salad Course: Milk-Weed Drizzled In A Water Vinaigrette
Dessert Course: Nothing
It is after this that the revelers will retreat to the Sitting Area (if you were a colonist and couldn't remember where the Sitting Area in your house was, it was probably the corner where there weren't any corpses.) Laughter and mirth unfold as the guests recline in their burning-ember-filled ditches, sipping warm glasses of tobacco leaves. They retell their fondest memories of life in the Old World, where comfort, though not abundant, seemed nonetheless closer. They recall the days of summer, when the sun shone and that one guy had not yet been eaten by them. They sing of the possibilities that await them in this great frontier and expound their thanks to their Creator, who, through providence and generosity unending, allowed each and every one of the hopeful and grateful pilgrims gathered together to not be the one that dies of consumption and is either fed to the hogs or used as building material.
I try to recreate this every year (except for the cannibalism ((as far as you know.))) It doesn't work too well because I have no friends, and Pig Schnapps is hard to render without a really, really big hammer.
Happy Thanks Giving! I'll leave you with a few words from the late Andy Rooney, which, in this season of thanks and rememberance, tug at a certain part of the collective heart-strings of all of us.
"Why do fruit need stickers? Who's putting stickers on the fruit? Sometimes I eat the stickers on accident."
-Andy Rooney
Monday, November 14, 2011
Dignified sOWLemnity.
As you may or may not be aware, last Friday was Veteran's Day in the United States. I had always thought it was supposed to be a day about reverent introspection upon those who defend our way of life. Apparently I've been doing it wrong. In America, as I've gradually discovered, Veteran's Day is the day where everybody, young and old alike, make an ambiguous and empty sentiment about anything patriotic on their Facebook status, and wait for the attention to wash over them like a wave of sweet tiger's milk.
This irks me.
But there is one thing that is far, far worse. This is the surest sign of the death of a holiday's meaning; and is the largest reason any given day of rememberance is destined for frivolity.
The worst thing you could ever do on a day like Veteran's Day is have a sale.
Suddenly the only thing veterans and active service members are good for is peddling mismatched box springs and transmission flushes. I honestly had no idea that this was going on until I flipped across page after page of Veteran's Day sales ads in the paper (I might add that this is one more reason why I feel that illiteracy is AWSUM!!!) This is a frustrating development that I've stumbled upon. In this post I was planning on giving you some fun and funky ways to decorate for VDay; or talk about how 11/11/11 will never happen again in our lifetimes (this is kind of cool, and technically true; but I'd be more impressed if it was actually the year 11.) Instead, I'll leave you my most poignant and haunting owl related greeting card yet; just in time for the Monday after Veteran's Day.
THIS DAY IN HISTORY (LITERALLY) NOV 14 2011: Scott tries to eat bowl of Frankenberry cereal, begins gagging after a few spoonfuls, questions what he will do with rest of box.
This irks me.
But there is one thing that is far, far worse. This is the surest sign of the death of a holiday's meaning; and is the largest reason any given day of rememberance is destined for frivolity.
The worst thing you could ever do on a day like Veteran's Day is have a sale.
Suddenly the only thing veterans and active service members are good for is peddling mismatched box springs and transmission flushes. I honestly had no idea that this was going on until I flipped across page after page of Veteran's Day sales ads in the paper (I might add that this is one more reason why I feel that illiteracy is AWSUM!!!) This is a frustrating development that I've stumbled upon. In this post I was planning on giving you some fun and funky ways to decorate for VDay; or talk about how 11/11/11 will never happen again in our lifetimes (this is kind of cool, and technically true; but I'd be more impressed if it was actually the year 11.) Instead, I'll leave you my most poignant and haunting owl related greeting card yet; just in time for the Monday after Veteran's Day.
THIS DAY IN HISTORY (LITERALLY) NOV 14 2011: Scott tries to eat bowl of Frankenberry cereal, begins gagging after a few spoonfuls, questions what he will do with rest of box.
Monday, November 7, 2011
So, I am in the process of rebuilding the blog we all know and tolerate after the nightmare that was OctCROWber. As you may or may not know, however, the current month is NOVEMBER. Which, of course, means CHRISTMAS!
I love Christmas, but I also happen to love food. So, technically, I love Thanksgiving too. To this effect, I give you my owl related greeting card related effort to bring back Dia de los Gobble.
Take THAT, Christmas. Maybe next year you'll stay in your own month.
(I should mention that I am writing this in great haste. My sponsor and corporate overlord, which I shall refer to as GAMESPLOT, needs me to be at work very soon. To celebrate my resentment of this fact, here's a message from our friend, GAMESPLOT.)
I love Christmas, but I also happen to love food. So, technically, I love Thanksgiving too. To this effect, I give you my owl related greeting card related effort to bring back Dia de los Gobble.
Take THAT, Christmas. Maybe next year you'll stay in your own month.
(I should mention that I am writing this in great haste. My sponsor and corporate overlord, which I shall refer to as GAMESPLOT, needs me to be at work very soon. To celebrate my resentment of this fact, here's a message from our friend, GAMESPLOT.)
Monday, October 31, 2011
Hey, in case you haven't been watching the news, I have spent the last week embroiled in a monumental battle with the murderous murder of telepathic crows that had been holding my blog hostage for the past month. It's pretty violent and visually stunning. I haven't taken any pictures, but here's some recollections of the ongoing showdown.
1. Crows blotting out moonlight
2. Scott knocking crows out of sky with baseball bat
3. "Sabotage" blaring from the smashed window of a flaming Impala
4. Crows lighting upon peace-keeping zookeepers; skeletons in khaki shorts
5. Scott blasting flamethrower wildly into thick cloud of grackles
I clearly have been busy, and still am. As I write this I am entrenched in a foxhole I dug out on the roof of a Ben and Jerry's (it's pretty shallow and full of shingles.) So instead of a card, please enjoy this The Gruff Zunko Show simulcast from September 19th.
1. Crows blotting out moonlight
2. Scott knocking crows out of sky with baseball bat
3. "Sabotage" blaring from the smashed window of a flaming Impala
4. Crows lighting upon peace-keeping zookeepers; skeletons in khaki shorts
5. Scott blasting flamethrower wildly into thick cloud of grackles
I clearly have been busy, and still am. As I write this I am entrenched in a foxhole I dug out on the roof of a Ben and Jerry's (it's pretty shallow and full of shingles.) So instead of a card, please enjoy this The Gruff Zunko Show simulcast from September 19th.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Yes... Still Crows.
Well, the crows are still here. In case you've been missing out on the drama because you're one of the many, many, many people who don't care, here's a recap. My quiet life of penning alternate history novels and drawing owl related greeting cards was interrupted recently by a roving gang of thousands of disgruntled crows. It was determined in Crow Court that I should be sentenced to a month of creating nothing but crow related greeting cards. I tried to launch a CAWbjection, but, of course, I was CROWverruled.
I have noticed something strange, however. Either I have begun to go native, or I have simply begun to see the beauty in crow-style living. They never wear clothes, and they can fly. That can be said about a lot of birds and several fish; but the crows carry with them a certain dignity. They also carry fish hooks with them so that they can hook peoples' ears or scalps or eyelids and fly away holding the other end of the line.
So here's this week's crow related greeting card; straight from my heart to whichever bird functions as the heart within the single-minded flock of crows acting as one much larger entity in my back yard.
Here's a fun CROW FACT:
Did you know that there are several collective nouns assigned to describe a group of crows?
A murder of crows
A manslaughter of crows
A vehicular manslaughter of crows (only when each crow is driving a tiny RC car)
A counting of crows
A herd of crows
A rustle of crows
A cobra of crows (only when the group of crows has formed together to create a fully functioning cobra, complete with the ability to spit poisonous crows)
I have noticed something strange, however. Either I have begun to go native, or I have simply begun to see the beauty in crow-style living. They never wear clothes, and they can fly. That can be said about a lot of birds and several fish; but the crows carry with them a certain dignity. They also carry fish hooks with them so that they can hook peoples' ears or scalps or eyelids and fly away holding the other end of the line.
So here's this week's crow related greeting card; straight from my heart to whichever bird functions as the heart within the single-minded flock of crows acting as one much larger entity in my back yard.
Here's a fun CROW FACT:
Did you know that there are several collective nouns assigned to describe a group of crows?
A murder of crows
A manslaughter of crows
A vehicular manslaughter of crows (only when each crow is driving a tiny RC car)
A counting of crows
A herd of crows
A rustle of crows
A cobra of crows (only when the group of crows has formed together to create a fully functioning cobra, complete with the ability to spit poisonous crows)
Monday, October 17, 2011
The Crows Remain
As I write this, dear reader(s?,) I am in the grips of disease. I would not be concerned, except for the fact that I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M SICK WITH. Well, actually, I'm pretty sure it's food poisoning. But I DON'T KNOW WHERE I GOT FOOD POISONING FROM. It's actually really (really REALLY) interesting to think how I was able to embroil myself in a perfect storm of bacterial intrigue. In the hours before symptoms appeared, I consumed three things. Let's see if you can guess which one gave me painful and acute diarrhea!
First suspect: McDouble cheeseburger from an unnamed restaurant. Likely prepared by a thoughtless brute. This was at McDonalds, by the way.
Second suspect: Twix bar from an unnamed Walmart. Although stored at the standard Walmart room temperature of 48 degrees farenheit, when opened it was completely melted. Curious, to say the least.
Third suspect: Fried gum from the State Fair of Texas. Certainly prepared by a thoughtless brute. Although this seems the obvious culprit, wouldn't bowel obstruction be the calling card of this virulent delicacy?
It's a mystery to say the least. Well, I'll mince no further words, since the act of simply blogging about food poisoning, in my fragile state, is enough to make me pass out on the big 'ol plate of McDoubles and fried gum I have before me.
So here's this week's CROW RELATED GREETING CARD!
The funny thing was I saw Ronald McDonald at the state fair. Was this all a conspiracy? Was it all a fever dream? Or is there a secret in my colon that someone... or something... wants?
I doubt it.
First suspect: McDouble cheeseburger from an unnamed restaurant. Likely prepared by a thoughtless brute. This was at McDonalds, by the way.
Second suspect: Twix bar from an unnamed Walmart. Although stored at the standard Walmart room temperature of 48 degrees farenheit, when opened it was completely melted. Curious, to say the least.
Third suspect: Fried gum from the State Fair of Texas. Certainly prepared by a thoughtless brute. Although this seems the obvious culprit, wouldn't bowel obstruction be the calling card of this virulent delicacy?
It's a mystery to say the least. Well, I'll mince no further words, since the act of simply blogging about food poisoning, in my fragile state, is enough to make me pass out on the big 'ol plate of McDoubles and fried gum I have before me.
So here's this week's CROW RELATED GREETING CARD!
The funny thing was I saw Ronald McDonald at the state fair. Was this all a conspiracy? Was it all a fever dream? Or is there a secret in my colon that someone... or something... wants?
I doubt it.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Funny Page Follies Part Two
Seeing as it's not Monday, I felt that today was a good, good day to share with the rest of you what I do when I'm not making owl related greeeting cards on the back of envelopes. As most of you know, I am a syndicated cartoonist for over 100 newspapers across the Balkan Peninsula (including the Skopje Scoop, the Tirana Tribune, and the Bosnian version of Archie, called Teen-Teen dhe Kafkë Grusht.) Doing cartoons in the region is pretty easy, since most of the story arcs are simply cautionary tales involving landmine avoidance. The one comic that has made me a hut-hold name in the Balkans, though, is a simple daily called "Problemet Oposum." It revolves around a talking possum that is constantly befuddled by modern life. (I don't understand it's popularity. It isn't translated from English, and, in almost every village in the region, a talking possum is considered an omen that portends the death of a child.) Either way, thanks to "Problemet Oposum," I am rolling in the pennies that their currencies convert into.
Everyone should be lucky enough to write for Balkan audiences. The infant mortality rate is way high, but their expectations are way low.
Everyone should be lucky enough to write for Balkan audiences. The infant mortality rate is way high, but their expectations are way low.
Monday, October 10, 2011
The One Holiday I Hate
I hate Columbus Day.
I really do.
Let me begin by saying that I am from Texas, where, at least in my city, we never celebrated Columbus Day. In fact, let me present a brief timeline of the history of Columbus Day in my city.
1492 - 1995: No such thing as Columbus Day
1995 - 2008: Columbus Day is gradually discovered, considered a joke; like Arbor Day or Talk Like a Pirate Day
2008 - 2010: Mattress stores begin the savings
2011: Scott discovers that there are people in other parts of the country that get Columbus Day off (?!)
I'm very bitter about Columbus Day. I don't like it at all. It's a holiday where the only people who get a break are bank tellers and DPS clerks. Besides, it's a well known fact that Columbus himself only trekked out into the ocean because he was looking for a way to kill himself without the king thinking he was emo.
He couldn't even do that right.
So happy Columbus Day. I hate you. All of you.
I really do.
Let me begin by saying that I am from Texas, where, at least in my city, we never celebrated Columbus Day. In fact, let me present a brief timeline of the history of Columbus Day in my city.
1492 - 1995: No such thing as Columbus Day
1995 - 2008: Columbus Day is gradually discovered, considered a joke; like Arbor Day or Talk Like a Pirate Day
2008 - 2010: Mattress stores begin the savings
2011: Scott discovers that there are people in other parts of the country that get Columbus Day off (?!)
I'm very bitter about Columbus Day. I don't like it at all. It's a holiday where the only people who get a break are bank tellers and DPS clerks. Besides, it's a well known fact that Columbus himself only trekked out into the ocean because he was looking for a way to kill himself without the king thinking he was emo.
He couldn't even do that right.
So happy Columbus Day. I hate you. All of you.
Post-Script: I saw a headline in the newspaper recently that I felt lent itself to a lesson in capitalization.
Monday, October 3, 2011
The blog, for the month of October, has been hijacked.
There will be no OWLctober this year, no; it will be...
The various CROWverlords and neCROWmancers have taken it upon themselves to demand that this month I make cards relating only to crows.
If I refuse to submit, then the hundreds of crows sitting outside my window right now have made it clear that they are unafraid to fling themselves at my house until they beat a way in and begin ripping my skin apart one beak-ful at a time as the blood splashes against their expressionless, glassy eyes.
As such, I'll set this OctCROWber off right by inviting you to join me in the honoring of the Flightless Trinity; also known as the most famous three crows who, as far as I know, can't fly.
Does anyone remember that part in Resident Evil where you had to rearrange the paintings on the wall; and if they were put in the wrong order, then a bunch of crows would come down and mess you up?
I don't.
The blog, for the month of October, has been hijacked.
There will be no OWLctober this year, no; it will be...
The various CROWverlords and neCROWmancers have taken it upon themselves to demand that this month I make cards relating only to crows.
If I refuse to submit, then the hundreds of crows sitting outside my window right now have made it clear that they are unafraid to fling themselves at my house until they beat a way in and begin ripping my skin apart one beak-ful at a time as the blood splashes against their expressionless, glassy eyes.
As such, I'll set this OctCROWber off right by inviting you to join me in the honoring of the Flightless Trinity; also known as the most famous three crows who, as far as I know, can't fly.
A robot. If you're wondering how he eats or breathes or other science facts; stop it.
A cave-boy. He befriends a wooly mammoth who becomes frozen in a glacier, only to be reanimated in the 90's. Needless to say, the mammoth's friend Cro is long dead. The mammoth tells stories, but only about Cro, as if his dear friend were still alive. He is not. He is lost in time; time that can never be reclaimed. This became a children's show.
Host of BIRDY Jobs
Yes, I can't help but feel as if I deserve to be held down on a table only by the threat of the thousand sharp beaks surrounding me as a mind-control corn cob is placed in my ear. Crows are far nobler creatures than owls and DESERVE ALL THE MICE ALL THE MICE ALL THE MICE CAWWW CAWW CAWWW CAWWW as their leader so eloquently put it. I've been wasting time with owls, a fact that, looking back, I can truly call... shall I say... RidiCROWlous. So I present to you, the reader, and to the light-swallowing cloud of crows silently watching me, the first ever CROW RELATED GREETING CARD.
Does anyone remember that part in Resident Evil where you had to rearrange the paintings on the wall; and if they were put in the wrong order, then a bunch of crows would come down and mess you up?
I don't.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Telephone Owltiquette
Here's a fun card that's perfect for at least 3 different occasions.
Occasion 1: You are a grandparent. Naturally, this means that the loneliness and displacement that you feel is crippling (just like your arthritis and the nerve damage caused by the stroke! LOLOL!) The one thing you have to look forward to is the hope that maybe somebody (read: anybody) will call you and chat. Before this card, that hope was empty. Now, you can trick yourself into thinking that someone actually might call just because you sent them a stupid card and a silver dollar that you thought was really cool. (Let's face it; if nothing else, at least nothing says 'guilt trip' like a cartoon owl reminding your grandson that he never calls.
Occasion 2: You are either an adolescent or an emotionally stunted adult; and there is someone who sits or works or waits for the bus near you that has never spoken to you and that you think is "phat." (And no; it's not just because he/she has a Dr. Who scarf and you think that's really "fly" of him/her.) You can tangify this awkward, awkward crush of yours by slipping him/her this card on the sly. (Of course, with the courage you mustered to simply slip this card into his/her backpack, you will have none left to leave your telephone number. Also, you're the only two people at that bus stop. He/she'll know it's you. He/she will walk the extra block to the next stop down.)
Occasion 3: You clearly are unable to accept the fact that your ex never wants to talk to you again.
I'm depressed now. Looks like it's time for some Marshmallow Pebbles! They're not a party in a box, per se, but it's the best I can do this late on a weeknight.
Occasion 1: You are a grandparent. Naturally, this means that the loneliness and displacement that you feel is crippling (just like your arthritis and the nerve damage caused by the stroke! LOLOL!) The one thing you have to look forward to is the hope that maybe somebody (read: anybody) will call you and chat. Before this card, that hope was empty. Now, you can trick yourself into thinking that someone actually might call just because you sent them a stupid card and a silver dollar that you thought was really cool. (Let's face it; if nothing else, at least nothing says 'guilt trip' like a cartoon owl reminding your grandson that he never calls.
Occasion 2: You are either an adolescent or an emotionally stunted adult; and there is someone who sits or works or waits for the bus near you that has never spoken to you and that you think is "phat." (And no; it's not just because he/she has a Dr. Who scarf and you think that's really "fly" of him/her.) You can tangify this awkward, awkward crush of yours by slipping him/her this card on the sly. (Of course, with the courage you mustered to simply slip this card into his/her backpack, you will have none left to leave your telephone number. Also, you're the only two people at that bus stop. He/she'll know it's you. He/she will walk the extra block to the next stop down.)
Occasion 3: You clearly are unable to accept the fact that your ex never wants to talk to you again.
I'm depressed now. Looks like it's time for some Marshmallow Pebbles! They're not a party in a box, per se, but it's the best I can do this late on a weeknight.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Science, and Why People Hate It
Here's this Monday's card, everybody. It's perfect for the person in your life who you're attracted to like a thing with ions to another thing with ions or a flux line or whatever.
I can't think about chemowlstry without thinking of a class I took in high school once, called IPC (Integrated Physiques and Chemistrars.) The one thing I remember from IPC (and I do mean the ONE THING) was a rhyme my teacher taught the class.
Do what you oughta...
Pour acid to wat-ah.
This, clearly, is insane. Why is this the one thing I remember? Was this more important than noble gases? Was this of greater necessity than valence what-have-yous and moles that aren't moles at all, but numbers that are far too asinine to bother with? YOU CAN'T EVEN MAKE A COAT OUT OF THEM. How will this keep my daughter warm when she's locked in a haunted basement? No, the one thing I remember is "Do what you oughta; acid to wat-ah." Has anyone ever said "do what you oughta" by itself before? It doesn't usually act on it's own; it's more like "do what you oughta be doing to get 'dese ghouls outta my basement." No one has ever instructed me to simply "do what I oughta."
So, to get revenge on my teacher, I plan on burning my eyes out with acid!
Here's the deal; if I burn my eyes out with acid and find my teacher, and claw blindly at her screeching like a skinned mole in a haunted basement, she'll realize that something went wrong with my life, and it was because of her. Naturally, she'll knock me to the ground with an umbrella before I have a chance to scratch her face too badly. As I land, I'll curl up into a mole-ball, allow whatever excretia one would expect to excrete to do so, and say, in a very hissy, acid-singed voice,
"Did I do what I oughta?"
These will be my last words.
I'll die in the entrance of the Bath and Body Works (this is happening at a mall, by the way) and a small crowd will have gathered. The people will gather, murmuring things like "Do what he oughta? What does that mean?" or "That poor acid covered man must have not been taught chemistry properly" or "Can I get through, please?" and my IPC teacher will simply shake her head.
"He didn't do what he oughta," she'll say, "but that doesn't mean that I can't."
In a sign of piety and reverence, she'll place two pennies on my throbbing, acid-soaked eyelids. The pennies will then start fizzing and a bunch of 9th graders will record that as an observation.
I can't think about chemowlstry without thinking of a class I took in high school once, called IPC (Integrated Physiques and Chemistrars.) The one thing I remember from IPC (and I do mean the ONE THING) was a rhyme my teacher taught the class.
Do what you oughta...
Pour acid to wat-ah.
This, clearly, is insane. Why is this the one thing I remember? Was this more important than noble gases? Was this of greater necessity than valence what-have-yous and moles that aren't moles at all, but numbers that are far too asinine to bother with? YOU CAN'T EVEN MAKE A COAT OUT OF THEM. How will this keep my daughter warm when she's locked in a haunted basement? No, the one thing I remember is "Do what you oughta; acid to wat-ah." Has anyone ever said "do what you oughta" by itself before? It doesn't usually act on it's own; it's more like "do what you oughta be doing to get 'dese ghouls outta my basement." No one has ever instructed me to simply "do what I oughta."
So, to get revenge on my teacher, I plan on burning my eyes out with acid!
Here's the deal; if I burn my eyes out with acid and find my teacher, and claw blindly at her screeching like a skinned mole in a haunted basement, she'll realize that something went wrong with my life, and it was because of her. Naturally, she'll knock me to the ground with an umbrella before I have a chance to scratch her face too badly. As I land, I'll curl up into a mole-ball, allow whatever excretia one would expect to excrete to do so, and say, in a very hissy, acid-singed voice,
"Did I do what I oughta?"
These will be my last words.
I'll die in the entrance of the Bath and Body Works (this is happening at a mall, by the way) and a small crowd will have gathered. The people will gather, murmuring things like "Do what he oughta? What does that mean?" or "That poor acid covered man must have not been taught chemistry properly" or "Can I get through, please?" and my IPC teacher will simply shake her head.
"He didn't do what he oughta," she'll say, "but that doesn't mean that I can't."
In a sign of piety and reverence, she'll place two pennies on my throbbing, acid-soaked eyelids. The pennies will then start fizzing and a bunch of 9th graders will record that as an observation.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
A New Friend
Well folks, here it is; the special surprise that you've been waiting for for at least 15 hours; a highlight reel from AM radio talk show host Gruff Zunko's public access simulcast of the Gruff Zunko Show! I hope you all like his folksy ignorance and deteriorating grasp on reality as much as we at My Owls Are Better do.
Gruff has been an important facet of life for people in a 5 mile radius who still get their news from AM radio for years, but I've only just noticed him.
If you like Gruff, and his wacky, wacky, wacky habit of sitting still, let me know, and I'll make sure he shows up again.
Gruff has been an important facet of life for people in a 5 mile radius who still get their news from AM radio for years, but I've only just noticed him.
If you like Gruff, and his wacky, wacky, wacky habit of sitting still, let me know, and I'll make sure he shows up again.
Monday, September 12, 2011
I know this is a little eerie, given what happened 10 years ago Sunday, but I (no joke) had some of this pizza for lunch recently.
See anything strange here? Perhaps you should look more closer.
I was shocked. Too soon, Whole Foods Market; Too soon.
On the bright side, I never forgot to take that pizza out of the oven.
But here's what I'm really trying to say...
Ladies and gentlemen, tonight is a very special day. In lieu of the usual owl related greeting card, I present to you the first ever commercial for this blog. This has been a long time coming, and I hope that after seeing this advertisement, more people will feel the need to mobilize (fill up their cars at Mobil.)
(This post is a little late because my associate Brutt and I have been spending the last few sleepless hours putting together a special surprise that we think all of the loyal fowlowers will truly appreciate. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MURDER. I AM ON THE RECORD SAYING THAT IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MURDER.)
(What's the big surprise that's coming your way? Stay tuned to My Owls Are Better, and it will be revealed very sHOOOn.)
See anything strange here? Perhaps you should look more closer.
I was shocked. Too soon, Whole Foods Market; Too soon.
On the bright side, I never forgot to take that pizza out of the oven.
But here's what I'm really trying to say...
Ladies and gentlemen, tonight is a very special day. In lieu of the usual owl related greeting card, I present to you the first ever commercial for this blog. This has been a long time coming, and I hope that after seeing this advertisement, more people will feel the need to mobilize (fill up their cars at Mobil.)
(This post is a little late because my associate Brutt and I have been spending the last few sleepless hours putting together a special surprise that we think all of the loyal fowlowers will truly appreciate. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MURDER. I AM ON THE RECORD SAYING THAT IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MURDER.)
(What's the big surprise that's coming your way? Stay tuned to My Owls Are Better, and it will be revealed very sHOOOn.)
Monday, September 5, 2011
Labor Relations: A Retrospective
It is Labor Day today, in case you were unaware. Even if you think it isn't Labor Day because as you're reading this it's Wednesday or it's October or something gay like that, I promise it's Labor Day.
Do NOT go to your job.
Labor Day is a special day for me. It's a holiday that combines history and economics (two of my favorite topics) as well as laziness and alcoholism (my two defining virtues.) I'm saddened every year, though, by people who don't understand what we are commemorating every September the Xth/st/rd. To help the dummies out, and to provide myself with something to write about, I present a brief history of labor relations over the past 150 years.
Before 150 years ago, there were no unions and there was no collective bargaining. This was largely due to the fact that most unskilled workers hadn't entered kindergarten yet, and thus were unable to hold a pencil properly to draft demands. Also, slavery. But this all changed when a certain man came along.
Nothing happened for a while, until another man appeared on the scene.
Do NOT go to your job.
Labor Day is a special day for me. It's a holiday that combines history and economics (two of my favorite topics) as well as laziness and alcoholism (my two defining virtues.) I'm saddened every year, though, by people who don't understand what we are commemorating every September the Xth/st/rd. To help the dummies out, and to provide myself with something to write about, I present a brief history of labor relations over the past 150 years.
Before 150 years ago, there were no unions and there was no collective bargaining. This was largely due to the fact that most unskilled workers hadn't entered kindergarten yet, and thus were unable to hold a pencil properly to draft demands. Also, slavery. But this all changed when a certain man came along.
Samu"OWL" Gompers
Samuowl Gompers is most widely known as the guy who kind of reminds people of the guy who owns the bank in It's a Wonderful Life, but is most important for creating the AFowL, or, the American Federation (owl) of Labor. It began as a collective of likeminded individuals who would gather together and pour buckets of water on factory workers who would accidentaly burst aflame during their 16 hour shifts. The organization grew in prominence and influence during the remainder of the 19th century, but the greatest strides were made when progressive psychopath Theodore Roosevelt was elected president. Roosevelt and Gompers, who first met as members in the think-tank tasked with finding a way to murder William McKinley, were kindred spirits in the sense that they were both self-serving war mongers. Roosevelt was different, however, in that he was truly, truly insane. He was an aging, tactless oaf who refused to act in any way that was not an extreme, but is remembered as a truly great man by uneducated people because he was able to intimidate a Dane into eventually carving a giant likeness of his head into the side of a mountain. Roosevelt was inexplicably progresssive, however, and raised the standards of work safety to the levels that they are held to today.
Of course, in 1914, the Ludlow Massacre happened. Miners in a small Colorado town had become part of the United Mine Workers of America, and had begun striking, asking that the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company obey federal laws. This, of course, was a ridiculous demand, and prompted John Rockefeller Jr., who had been eating a joint of lamb with his bare hands minutes prior, to order the Colorado National Guard to end the strike. Upon arrival, the soldiers, armed with nothing but guns, were forced to open fire on the angry civilians. The national guard has been demonized, perhaps unfairly, in years since, largely due to their use of controversial tactics like shooting machine guns indiscriminately through the tents of families, facilitating the deaths of women and children, and killing American citizens.
In fact, here's a fun postcard that was distributed in the aftermath of the firefight.
Nothing happened for a while, until another man appeared on the scene.
Jimmy "HOOO"ffa
Jimmy Hoooffa led the modern AFL-CIO from 1957 to 1964, taking time off only when in prison. The Office of the Attorney General spent a lot of time observing Hooooffa, who would often suffer bouts of insomnia which many believe could have been attributed to Robert Kennedy's penchant for leaving tape recordings of his laughter on loop in Hoooffa's air vents. Hoooffa was sentenced to 13 years on Monster Island in 1964, forcing him to abdicate his position as King of the Teamsters.
In 1970-whatever, befuddled man-ogre Richard Nixon visited Hoooffa's crude, jungle mansion to discuss the trajectory of his exile. Nixon and Hoooffa became fast friends upon realizing that they were both greasy and unsettling. A deal was struck between the two. Nixon would commute the remainder of Hoooffa's exile in exchange for Hoooffa commanding his constantly mobile army of truckers to target Nixon's enemies, and trap them in high octane games of cat and mouse on the treacherous highways of America. The only one who was safe from the fiercely loyal truckers and their twisted games of 100 mile an hour chicken was John Lennon, who had a helicopter that was purchased, ironically, under the advice of Nixon himself, who had heard somewhere that helicopters were super dangerous. Nixon was re-elected in 1972, and Hoooffa was awarded a pension from the AFL-CIO. However, his years of exile had changed him. Hoooffa returned to Monster Island in 1975, never to be seen again. (Well, not quite, actually. He returned to America briefly in the 1990's after being summoned by two New England children. The film Jumanji is an imagining of what the partnership might have looked like.)
In recent years, unions have been called many nasty names. Of course, unions are largely to blame for many of the economic ills that only exist because of Obama, like inflation and people not having money. If it weren't for unions and Obama, these things wouldn't exist.
Perhaps I should break it down for you.
My obese, southern wife likes to wear scrubs; not because she is a nurse, but because they are cheap, comfortable, disposable, and hide her many protuberances in an adequately flattering way. However, the scrub workers of the world have just unionized. Scrubs started out at 20 dollars a pop. But suddenly, the union decides it wants face masks for the line workers so that they stop breathing in fiber. Also, the union decides that there should be illuminated fire exits. If that weren't enough, the union might even decide that the workers deserve to take breaks after 6 hours of work, when they really should be making scrubs for my obese, southern wife. If you factor in all the extravagances, you suddenly realize that your obese, southern wife is spending 21 dollars (!?) on a set of scrubs. This prompts me, the obese, southern husband to assert that 60 thousand a year is not enough to meet my standard of living, thereby making my boss pay me more, which fuels the ungodly cycle of ratcheting wages and escalating prices.
This is a shameful extortion of innocent, obese, southern people. Ever since the progressive movement at the turn of the century, greedy unions have been making sure that everybody is entitled to reasonable hours, fair wages, safe working conditions, and secure retirement.
The unions must be stopped.
So let's celebrate this Labor Day by forgetting it ever stood for anything in the first place! (It is tradition, after all.)
Monday, August 29, 2011
Adventures in Residency PART 5: Intimate Passion
Before I display my next cards, I'd like to take this moment to warn my readers that the following post contains adult situations (the sexual ones) and suggestive owls.
Although it comprises the majority of issues with cohabitation, passive-aggressiveness and dishes are not the only things living partners or neighbors need to communicate about. There is only one other thing that must be discussed, and it is sex. Sex is defined by me as genital stimulation, and it is disgusting and ungodlike when it's not you. It is an irritating and sickening activity when you're not involved directly. And yet, when living with or around people, sex becomes an issue more frequently than wetland preservation ever will.
The act of "walking in" on people engaged in congress doesn't happen only in Woody Allen movies.
It happens in real life, too.
This is a misstep that is awkward for the sexual participants, the "walker-inner," (or WI,) and, tragically, happens all too often.
So I've created a nifty little card that you and your partner can hang on the outside of whatever facility you decide to slap around in that ensures no interlopers will ever have to see that weird birthmark of yours again.
This card is perfect for dorms, apartments, or hotels that want to carry 'Do Not Disturb' signs that don't suck hardcore. (Don't let the dotted line on the top turn you off; it looks like, once cut, it could only be hung on a doorknob. I realize that many of you do not have doorknobs. To accommodate you people I've tested it on pine boughs, tent flaps, aquarium glass, bead curtains, pickup truck tailgate handles, jail bars, zoo bars, bomb shelter door latches, the automatic doors at Target, as well as on spinning bookcases and candlesticks that are also levers, and can assure you that the card works best with doorknobs.)
This card serves as a classy update on the old college 'necktie on the doorknob or freshman' trick, since nobody who goes to college needs neckties.
Here's an alternate version if you're like most people I know.
I know this is the card for you because I know you do it, and what you do is WRONG and SINFUL. And while Jesus might not be happy, at least you can squeeze as you please without the fear of someone walking in on THAT. (Here's a tip; if you walk by a door and see this on the doorknob, do not kick your way in unless you remember to turn the flash on your camera on first. The flash will daze the self-molester, and make him trip over his pants.)
If you've never needed this next card, you've never had neighbors.
And that about wraps it up for this month. What can we expect in September? Probably the same crap.
Although it comprises the majority of issues with cohabitation, passive-aggressiveness and dishes are not the only things living partners or neighbors need to communicate about. There is only one other thing that must be discussed, and it is sex. Sex is defined by me as genital stimulation, and it is disgusting and ungodlike when it's not you. It is an irritating and sickening activity when you're not involved directly. And yet, when living with or around people, sex becomes an issue more frequently than wetland preservation ever will.
The act of "walking in" on people engaged in congress doesn't happen only in Woody Allen movies.
It happens in real life, too.
This is a misstep that is awkward for the sexual participants, the "walker-inner," (or WI,) and, tragically, happens all too often.
So I've created a nifty little card that you and your partner can hang on the outside of whatever facility you decide to slap around in that ensures no interlopers will ever have to see that weird birthmark of yours again.
This card is perfect for dorms, apartments, or hotels that want to carry 'Do Not Disturb' signs that don't suck hardcore. (Don't let the dotted line on the top turn you off; it looks like, once cut, it could only be hung on a doorknob. I realize that many of you do not have doorknobs. To accommodate you people I've tested it on pine boughs, tent flaps, aquarium glass, bead curtains, pickup truck tailgate handles, jail bars, zoo bars, bomb shelter door latches, the automatic doors at Target, as well as on spinning bookcases and candlesticks that are also levers, and can assure you that the card works best with doorknobs.)
This card serves as a classy update on the old college 'necktie on the doorknob or freshman' trick, since nobody who goes to college needs neckties.
Here's an alternate version if you're like most people I know.
I know this is the card for you because I know you do it, and what you do is WRONG and SINFUL. And while Jesus might not be happy, at least you can squeeze as you please without the fear of someone walking in on THAT. (Here's a tip; if you walk by a door and see this on the doorknob, do not kick your way in unless you remember to turn the flash on your camera on first. The flash will daze the self-molester, and make him trip over his pants.)
If you've never needed this next card, you've never had neighbors.
And that about wraps it up for this month. What can we expect in September? Probably the same crap.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Adventures in Residency PART 4
I know I always update on Mondays, and I'm aware it's Tuesday, but go die; I was doing something more important.
This is the card that's perfect for the person who shares a bathroom with someone. As we all know, the one who is forced to share a bathroom with another person will come to loathe that person as inevitably as the other person will act like a decent living partner for two months before revealing that they are in fact an INCONSIDERATE SWINE WHO, FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN THEIR OWN MALICIOUS LUST FOR DISORDER, REFUSES TO TAKE THEIR CLOTHES OUT OF THE BATHROOM AFTER SHOWERING. It's not easy, folks. So I decided to help take some of the burden off by creating a greeting card that will inform your living partner of your expectations without having to deal with the often awkward devoir of human interaction.
If people didn't like you before, I'm sure they'll like (read: tolerate) you now. Maybe.
And remember, tomorrow is Tuesday! Because it's Monday today!
And in honor of it being Monday, here's a fun owl joke you can tell to the tired people in the elevator!
What is an owl's favorite music? (Turn computer upside down to see answer.)
˙lǝıɹqɐƃ ɹǝʇǝd puɐ puɐq sʍǝɥʇʇɐɯ ǝʌɐp uǝǝʍʇǝq dn ssoʇ
This is the card that's perfect for the person who shares a bathroom with someone. As we all know, the one who is forced to share a bathroom with another person will come to loathe that person as inevitably as the other person will act like a decent living partner for two months before revealing that they are in fact an INCONSIDERATE SWINE WHO, FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN THEIR OWN MALICIOUS LUST FOR DISORDER, REFUSES TO TAKE THEIR CLOTHES OUT OF THE BATHROOM AFTER SHOWERING. It's not easy, folks. So I decided to help take some of the burden off by creating a greeting card that will inform your living partner of your expectations without having to deal with the often awkward devoir of human interaction.
If people didn't like you before, I'm sure they'll like (read: tolerate) you now. Maybe.
And remember, tomorrow is Tuesday! Because it's Monday today!
And in honor of it being Monday, here's a fun owl joke you can tell to the tired people in the elevator!
What is an owl's favorite music? (Turn computer upside down to see answer.)
˙lǝıɹqɐƃ ɹǝʇǝd puɐ puɐq sʍǝɥʇʇɐɯ ǝʌɐp uǝǝʍʇǝq dn ssoʇ
Monday, August 15, 2011
Adventures in Residency PART 3: FUNNY PAGE FOLLIES
As much as I would love to do the usual owl related greeting card this week, my attention has been focused on something I can't help but feel is a little bit more important. You see, last week I stumbled upon possibly the funniest funny ever to appear in the sunday funnies.
I've been obsessed with this hilarious punchline since I posted this last week, so, instead of a greeting card, I feel I should treat you to an inside look at the Funky Winker-experiment I've been Funky Winker-tinkering with lately.
Everyone can see that the punchline in the above strip is VERY, VERY FUNNY.
But is the punchline still funny in other comic strips? Let's take a look.
I'm pleased with how that turned out. This experiment in Funky Winker-Humor opened my eyes to the true hilarity that is Tom Batiuk, and inspired me to clean my room when I realized that I still had issues of Boy's Life from 1996 sitting around.
I've been obsessed with this hilarious punchline since I posted this last week, so, instead of a greeting card, I feel I should treat you to an inside look at the Funky Winker-experiment I've been Funky Winker-tinkering with lately.
Everyone can see that the punchline in the above strip is VERY, VERY FUNNY.
But is the punchline still funny in other comic strips? Let's take a look.
Blondie (2011)
Red and Rover (2011)
Love Is... (2009)
Zoobooks (1995)
Boy's Life (Dink and Duff, 1996)
Kratt's Creatures (1996)
The Magic School Bus (1990)
I'm pleased with how that turned out. This experiment in Funky Winker-Humor opened my eyes to the true hilarity that is Tom Batiuk, and inspired me to clean my room when I realized that I still had issues of Boy's Life from 1996 sitting around.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Adventures in Residency PART 2
I was getting ready to do this week's owl update today the way I always do; by reading the newspaper from Saturday. Strangely enough, as I was scanning my horoscope (Capricorn, I is,) I noticed something strange about it.
I don't remember there being anything like that on Saturday, but I was asleep most of it.
Anyways, keeping in with this month's theme of roommates, here's a great passive aggressive greeting card for people who live together and are slowly starting to hate each other.
Trust me, guys, if there's one thing people dislike more than doing dishes, it's being reminded by someone (usually a woman, or "female,") to do the dishes. So instead of acting like the horrible, nagging shrew that you can feel yourself slowly becoming, leave this little cutie under your roommate's bedroom door.
What many of you may not know is that the traditional soap-and-water-and-paraffin method of doing the dishes is starting to be seen by many as unnecessarily labor intensive and really waxy. Here's a tip from an old pro that I learned from when I worked at Graceland that you can use to wash the dishes without having to actually do the dishes.
1. Step 1: Coat your dishes in a mixture of one part molasses to two parts blood. (Don't ask me where to get the bood. All I'm going to say is that human blood works best. But again, I'm not telling you to do anything here, people.)
2. Step 2: Leave the blood and sugar caked dishes in a room that (and this is vital) your roommate uses, but only every once in a while.
3. Step 4: In a couple of days, that room will have become infested with various beetles and ants and possums that will have devoured the blood and molasses, as well as whatever gunk was on the dish.
5. Step 3: The dishes will be clean, but the animals will now have an insatiable thirst for human blood. This is your fault for using human blood. If you don't keep them fed, the beetles and ants will pick you to pieces before the sun rises in the morning. You won't feel anything, and you won't wake up until it's too late.
4. Step 3: Enjoy your sparkling clean dishes!
5. Step 3: Move.
But before I wrap things up... I was doing what I usually do on Mondays, (reading the funny pages from the Sunday before last,) when I stumbled upon this and couldn't stop laughing.
I don't remember there being anything like that on Saturday, but I was asleep most of it.
Anyways, keeping in with this month's theme of roommates, here's a great passive aggressive greeting card for people who live together and are slowly starting to hate each other.
Trust me, guys, if there's one thing people dislike more than doing dishes, it's being reminded by someone (usually a woman, or "female,") to do the dishes. So instead of acting like the horrible, nagging shrew that you can feel yourself slowly becoming, leave this little cutie under your roommate's bedroom door.
What many of you may not know is that the traditional soap-and-water-and-paraffin method of doing the dishes is starting to be seen by many as unnecessarily labor intensive and really waxy. Here's a tip from an old pro that I learned from when I worked at Graceland that you can use to wash the dishes without having to actually do the dishes.
1. Step 1: Coat your dishes in a mixture of one part molasses to two parts blood. (Don't ask me where to get the bood. All I'm going to say is that human blood works best. But again, I'm not telling you to do anything here, people.)
2. Step 2: Leave the blood and sugar caked dishes in a room that (and this is vital) your roommate uses, but only every once in a while.
3. Step 4: In a couple of days, that room will have become infested with various beetles and ants and possums that will have devoured the blood and molasses, as well as whatever gunk was on the dish.
5. Step 3: The dishes will be clean, but the animals will now have an insatiable thirst for human blood. This is your fault for using human blood. If you don't keep them fed, the beetles and ants will pick you to pieces before the sun rises in the morning. You won't feel anything, and you won't wake up until it's too late.
4. Step 3: Enjoy your sparkling clean dishes!
5. Step 3: Move.
But before I wrap things up... I was doing what I usually do on Mondays, (reading the funny pages from the Sunday before last,) when I stumbled upon this and couldn't stop laughing.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Adventures in Residency PART 1
Well, it's August 1st. This is officialy the time of year where students start getting depressed that school is starting in a scant few days, unless they're nerds, in which case all they did this summer was write fan fiction and have nightmares about human interaction and are therefore talking about how they can't wait for school to start, which makes normal people become frustrated. And whether you are going off to college for the first time, moving off campus for the first time, or have become a pariah in the neighborhood you presently rent a house in because of that time you jogged pantsless past an open window as the elementary school down the street was letting out just because you started pooping and suddenly decided you wanted something to read, many of us are changing our living situations. So I've decided to make August a theme month. All of the material presented on this blog during August will be appropriate ways for people who live together to communicate with each other. I can't help but feel that this week's card is a great example.
This is a card that I feel would be appropriate for anyone to present to their new roommate, but I feel it's especially apt when a dude gives it to the other dude he's about to start sharing a dorm with. By doing this, the recipient will assume that this new guy is homosexual, or "gay," thereby ensuring that neither one of them will speak to or make eye contact with the other for the rest of the semester. If you've ever, EVER, shared a dorm with someone (even if you kinda liked him or her) you'll find that this is useful in speeding up the process of dorm level interaction (namely; outreach, awkwardness, masturbatory interruption, disdain, silence.) This card will expedite nature itself, streamlining the chain to simply awkwardness, silence, and masturbatory interruption if the floors don't creak. So check it out.
See ya next time, kids!
This is a card that I feel would be appropriate for anyone to present to their new roommate, but I feel it's especially apt when a dude gives it to the other dude he's about to start sharing a dorm with. By doing this, the recipient will assume that this new guy is homosexual, or "gay," thereby ensuring that neither one of them will speak to or make eye contact with the other for the rest of the semester. If you've ever, EVER, shared a dorm with someone (even if you kinda liked him or her) you'll find that this is useful in speeding up the process of dorm level interaction (namely; outreach, awkwardness, masturbatory interruption, disdain, silence.) This card will expedite nature itself, streamlining the chain to simply awkwardness, silence, and masturbatory interruption if the floors don't creak. So check it out.
See ya next time, kids!
Monday, July 25, 2011
July Finale
In these summer months, it is not always easy for one to wax poetic on the nature of romance. For those of you lucky enough to be with the special person who accompanies you through the vast, indistinct hellscape that is summer (and the vast, indistinct hellscapes that are the other three seasons,) consider this card as a special tribute.
Naturally, the educated greeter will recognize the message of this card as being borrowed from the lyrics of one of my favorite Olivia Newton John songs. (Those of you not familiar with Olivia Newton John, or "OLIVOJO" as I call her, would be wise to review this brief biography. Born into squalor in the Australian Outback, Olivojo would go on to graduate from Rydell High in 1959 at the age of 30. She eloped with her life-mate, the beefy 24 year old high school senior John Travolta, and proceeded to fly into space with him in a rocket car. Tragically, the vessel was a convertible. Neither was ever seen again. All that remains of the legend of Olivojo are various number one hits, which I will now begin singing in my head. Also, I have never dressed up as her.)
More to the point, while not everyone desires romance, I hope that all of you who seek it find some "summer lovin'" of your own. Spring may be the stereotypical season of passion, but I have to believe summer is better. It's the special time of year where someone can find someone to watch reruns with and can get naked in front of without having to care. (Also, fireworks and alternating designated driver duties.) So happy summer, everybody. Try not to die.
Naturally, the educated greeter will recognize the message of this card as being borrowed from the lyrics of one of my favorite Olivia Newton John songs. (Those of you not familiar with Olivia Newton John, or "OLIVOJO" as I call her, would be wise to review this brief biography. Born into squalor in the Australian Outback, Olivojo would go on to graduate from Rydell High in 1959 at the age of 30. She eloped with her life-mate, the beefy 24 year old high school senior John Travolta, and proceeded to fly into space with him in a rocket car. Tragically, the vessel was a convertible. Neither was ever seen again. All that remains of the legend of Olivojo are various number one hits, which I will now begin singing in my head. Also, I have never dressed up as her.)
More to the point, while not everyone desires romance, I hope that all of you who seek it find some "summer lovin'" of your own. Spring may be the stereotypical season of passion, but I have to believe summer is better. It's the special time of year where someone can find someone to watch reruns with and can get naked in front of without having to care. (Also, fireworks and alternating designated driver duties.) So happy summer, everybody. Try not to die.
(OWLivia Newton John wants to get physicOWL with you!)
Also, happy birthday Merv Griffin! Here's a Jeopardy answer for you...
"The animal who's name is derived from the Dutch translation for 'Earth Pig.'"
The question?
"What god would allow a human as repulsive and vile as Merv Damned Griffin to live in sin and filth for so long before righteously plucking him from the planet and dropping him down into the festering pits of everlasting Hell where, in an example of the only injustice found in the divine castings of eternal damnation, he decays slowly in a pit of bile and blood that is twice as massive as the gardens of heaven themselves, and yet is only a fraction of the size of the mountainous turd he excreted on the cultural landscape of the world and visible universe by simply existing for years far too long and far too 'Merv-y'"
Monday, July 18, 2011
A History in Owl"OWL"ogy
Well, here's this week's owl related greeting card.
This card is perfect for two occasions.
1. You want to tell your sweetheart how excited he/she makes you.
2. You want to give your sweetheart a greeting card that seems cute at first but becomes eerily relevant after he/she is electrocuted to death.
Oddly enough, this reminds me of one of the darker moments in the history of America. Before the advent of the lethal injection and the pneumo-noose, state and federal executions were enacted through means of what was known as the "Owl-lectric Chair." Here are some original plans for a later model.
In these executions, the prisoner would be shackled to the metal frame of the chair itself. The chair operators would then slowly lower the owl onto the head of the condemned. The operators would leave and seal the chamber, and retreat to the witness gallery. The owl would then begin to ask the prisoner if he had ever seen Jeff Dunhman doing his Achmed the Dead Terrorist bit. At this point the owl would begin detailing the comedy routine, including his fractured impression of the puppet saying "I KeeeEEl you!" In theory, this is a fate worse than death, which is to say, being strapped to a chair while somebody describes a stand up comedy routine to you (Jeff Dunham, no less.) This form of execution was eventually found to be unconstitutional (cruel and unusual punishment,) ineffective (failed to actually kill the prisoner,) and a violation of the intellectual properties of Jeff Dunham. Another design was tested, wherein the owl was bombarded with an amount of electricity that was three times larger than a lethal charge, but it was decided that owls don't conduct electricity very well. Eventually, many states decided simply to go with the form of execution that many are familiar with; the traditional shoving of an owl into the mouth of the condemned until they both die. (In fact, Massachustes and Vermont are the only states that still don't employ this method of capital punishment.)
Also, Happy Birthday Merv Griffin! I certainly hope no one's keepin' you from buying a vowel in HELL.
Solve this puzzle, turd-diddler...
This card is perfect for two occasions.
1. You want to tell your sweetheart how excited he/she makes you.
2. You want to give your sweetheart a greeting card that seems cute at first but becomes eerily relevant after he/she is electrocuted to death.
Oddly enough, this reminds me of one of the darker moments in the history of America. Before the advent of the lethal injection and the pneumo-noose, state and federal executions were enacted through means of what was known as the "Owl-lectric Chair." Here are some original plans for a later model.
In these executions, the prisoner would be shackled to the metal frame of the chair itself. The chair operators would then slowly lower the owl onto the head of the condemned. The operators would leave and seal the chamber, and retreat to the witness gallery. The owl would then begin to ask the prisoner if he had ever seen Jeff Dunhman doing his Achmed the Dead Terrorist bit. At this point the owl would begin detailing the comedy routine, including his fractured impression of the puppet saying "I KeeeEEl you!" In theory, this is a fate worse than death, which is to say, being strapped to a chair while somebody describes a stand up comedy routine to you (Jeff Dunham, no less.) This form of execution was eventually found to be unconstitutional (cruel and unusual punishment,) ineffective (failed to actually kill the prisoner,) and a violation of the intellectual properties of Jeff Dunham. Another design was tested, wherein the owl was bombarded with an amount of electricity that was three times larger than a lethal charge, but it was decided that owls don't conduct electricity very well. Eventually, many states decided simply to go with the form of execution that many are familiar with; the traditional shoving of an owl into the mouth of the condemned until they both die. (In fact, Massachustes and Vermont are the only states that still don't employ this method of capital punishment.)
Also, Happy Birthday Merv Griffin! I certainly hope no one's keepin' you from buying a vowel in HELL.
Solve this puzzle, turd-diddler...
Monday, July 11, 2011
Owl Related Video Greeting Card!
Ladies and gentlemen, here is the first ever Owl Related Video Greeting Card.
Welcome to the future.
I animated this using my now bleeding fingers and Gimp. I feel sick.
Welcome to the future.
I animated this using my now bleeding fingers and Gimp. I feel sick.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy "Independence" Day!
Oddly enough, a holiday is actually taking place on a Monday this year, making this week's owl related greeting card eerily appropriate.
Here we see a red blooded American owl in all the trappings of your average American citizen. He is rocking the traditional sombrero, moustache, and random maracas that have in recent years become inseparable facets of the American heartland. (Not pictured: Laziness, xenophobia, oft-recurring heart murmurs, gun, and horribly unpleasant yet confoundingly condescending wife.) Just think, a scant 240 years ago a bunch of people got together to write a very passive aggressive note that contained no legal legitimacy or obligation and sent it to some guy, somehow guaranteeing independence for the larger part of the Atlantic coast. It must have worked, though, or else I wouldn't be drunk right now. So God bless those guys who's names escape me! And God bless the other nations of the world and North American indigenous peoples for being generous enough to either surrender or die quietly so that a bunch of people they'd never met could hold dominion over places as vibrant and beautiful as Tulsa and Boise. After all, what we must remember for today only is that freedom isn't free, but odds are you weren't the one paying for it. Now who wants a margarita? (Check your inbox. You can email those now.)
Here we see a red blooded American owl in all the trappings of your average American citizen. He is rocking the traditional sombrero, moustache, and random maracas that have in recent years become inseparable facets of the American heartland. (Not pictured: Laziness, xenophobia, oft-recurring heart murmurs, gun, and horribly unpleasant yet confoundingly condescending wife.) Just think, a scant 240 years ago a bunch of people got together to write a very passive aggressive note that contained no legal legitimacy or obligation and sent it to some guy, somehow guaranteeing independence for the larger part of the Atlantic coast. It must have worked, though, or else I wouldn't be drunk right now. So God bless those guys who's names escape me! And God bless the other nations of the world and North American indigenous peoples for being generous enough to either surrender or die quietly so that a bunch of people they'd never met could hold dominion over places as vibrant and beautiful as Tulsa and Boise. After all, what we must remember for today only is that freedom isn't free, but odds are you weren't the one paying for it. Now who wants a margarita? (Check your inbox. You can email those now.)
Monday, June 27, 2011
Owl Related Government Contracts: Der Vierte
Here is my fourth and final installment in the Owl Related Government Contract series.
This could almost be considered a greeting card of sorts. Naturally, capital punishment in the states requires a certain number of witnesses to be present in order to be legal. But how do medical professionals, lawyers, clergymen, or loved ones get the memo that they get to be one of the few to witness a rare instance of legalized murder? With this little fuzzy guy, of course! No one who has ever witnessed a state execution will say (out loud) that they felt anything but grim reverence in their legal obligation. But maybe if a state or two would pick up my design, the mood might lighten a little bit. (Look! He's wearing a tiny party hat!)
Might some people see this as a disturbing omen of the invisible trend of increased spectatorship in the American penal system? I think not. It's simply a way of summoning professionals in a way that, gosh-darnit, makes people smile on a rainy day. (Look! HE'S WEARING A TINY PARTY HAT.) If you're looking for a real indication of America's latent yet gradually re-emerging fixation on the burlesque aspects of the justice system, watch MSNBC on the weekends and TruTV at any other moment.
This could almost be considered a greeting card of sorts. Naturally, capital punishment in the states requires a certain number of witnesses to be present in order to be legal. But how do medical professionals, lawyers, clergymen, or loved ones get the memo that they get to be one of the few to witness a rare instance of legalized murder? With this little fuzzy guy, of course! No one who has ever witnessed a state execution will say (out loud) that they felt anything but grim reverence in their legal obligation. But maybe if a state or two would pick up my design, the mood might lighten a little bit. (Look! He's wearing a tiny party hat!)
Might some people see this as a disturbing omen of the invisible trend of increased spectatorship in the American penal system? I think not. It's simply a way of summoning professionals in a way that, gosh-darnit, makes people smile on a rainy day. (Look! HE'S WEARING A TINY PARTY HAT.) If you're looking for a real indication of America's latent yet gradually re-emerging fixation on the burlesque aspects of the justice system, watch MSNBC on the weekends and TruTV at any other moment.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Owl Related Government Contracts: Das Drittel
Well, here's the next design I want to pitch to the government. It's more of a public service announcement than a greeting card, but I think you'll see.
In all the time I've spent on the DC Metro (I'd estimate at LEAST 2 years and 3 months when put all together,) I've never encountered poop. I have, however, encountered smells. Smells than no one can explain, without, of course, suggesting that there are people who poop in their pants on the Metro. Which is fine, I guess, but those cars get really crowded really quick. They get hot and damp, and during those busy times it's impossible to not dry hump the seven people surrounding you every time the train moves.
And let me be clear, there is a point that I cannot over-emphasize enough...
I love to dry hump strangers.
But strangers with poop in their pants? In our nation's capital? Unacceptabowl. Hopefully the powers that be in the great masonic District of Columbia will notice this AWESOME POSTER and start putting them at every Metro stop. (I've already released several Great Grey Owls into the Kennedy Center in an attempt to create what I call "buzz." Sadly, the few that have survived this long have begun to terrorize the cast of Wicked in misguided and sometimes tragically successful undertakings to wound and feed upon the smaller actors and children.)
See ya next Monday!
In all the time I've spent on the DC Metro (I'd estimate at LEAST 2 years and 3 months when put all together,) I've never encountered poop. I have, however, encountered smells. Smells than no one can explain, without, of course, suggesting that there are people who poop in their pants on the Metro. Which is fine, I guess, but those cars get really crowded really quick. They get hot and damp, and during those busy times it's impossible to not dry hump the seven people surrounding you every time the train moves.
And let me be clear, there is a point that I cannot over-emphasize enough...
I love to dry hump strangers.
But strangers with poop in their pants? In our nation's capital? Unacceptabowl. Hopefully the powers that be in the great masonic District of Columbia will notice this AWESOME POSTER and start putting them at every Metro stop. (I've already released several Great Grey Owls into the Kennedy Center in an attempt to create what I call "buzz." Sadly, the few that have survived this long have begun to terrorize the cast of Wicked in misguided and sometimes tragically successful undertakings to wound and feed upon the smaller actors and children.)
See ya next Monday!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Guess what? My friend Aarthi at Adventures of a Business Major has made a grave mistake and has assigned me to write for her blog tomorrow. Don't miss me teaching you and your step-children how a pro turns macroeconomics into a slam dunk!
No, it won't have anything to do with owls.
No, it won't have anything to do with owls.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Owl Related Government Contracts: Das Zweitel
Here comes the second part of this theme month. Needless to say, it is another document I plan on pitching to the government.
Here is a great little note that the police department could send in place of whatever it is they do now. Think about it, would you rather have some schlubby meter maid come up to your door to give you the worst news of your life, or have this adorable little cuddle bug (Constab"owl" Featherfanny) give you the worst news of your life AS WELL AS UPROARIOUS LAUGHTER?
If you are in charge of any city's police or constabulatory forces and are interested in contracting my FANTASTIC DESIGN, give me a call at 1-800-CALLATT because I want to know if that number still does anything.
(And for those of you wondering about the Connowlsseur, neither she nor her unaffiliated and unnamed lackey, Michael, have contacted me... yet. Perhaps they know better than to bother me during theme month.)
Here is a great little note that the police department could send in place of whatever it is they do now. Think about it, would you rather have some schlubby meter maid come up to your door to give you the worst news of your life, or have this adorable little cuddle bug (Constab"owl" Featherfanny) give you the worst news of your life AS WELL AS UPROARIOUS LAUGHTER?
If you are in charge of any city's police or constabulatory forces and are interested in contracting my FANTASTIC DESIGN, give me a call at 1-800-CALLATT because I want to know if that number still does anything.
(And for those of you wondering about the Connowlsseur, neither she nor her unaffiliated and unnamed lackey, Michael, have contacted me... yet. Perhaps they know better than to bother me during theme month.)
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